Thursday, May 14, 2020

Plato s Theory Of The Human Soul - 1074 Words

Many ancient philosophers were influenced by the idea of Greek works, especially in the Islamic world. Ibn Sina referenced Aristotle many times in his works and sometimes Plato, using them as an authority when it suited his purpose. Even though Ibn Sina used Plato in some of his individual texts, he failed to mention him in his theory of the human soul because they have two different points to argue when it comes to this topic. One of Plato’s main point is that the soul is not a part of the body, and that it is imprisoned here on earth. He also argues that the soul has three main parts. On the contrary, Ibn Sina believed that we are all sharing one soul. Plato was born in 429?–347 B.C.E. and was the founder of the Athenin Academy. It is said that his theory of the soul was the starting point for psychology. Plato’s theory seeks not only to explain inner conflict but also to present the rational part of the soul as superior. In Plato’s The Republic Socrates begin his exploration of the soul because he was seeking for understanding of justice. In his opinion, the best way to analyze the soul is to compare it to a city. He believed that the function of the city was comparable to that of an individual’s soul. Socrates explains the three parts of the soul in the following quotation: The Guardians/Philosopher Kings is the reason, the Auxiliaries/Soldiers is will/spirit and Workers is the appetite. The reason is the part of the soul that seeks and loves wisdom, knowledge,Show MoreRelatedThe Tripartite Theory Of The Soul1196 Words   |  5 PagesDaryl Claude Medina Professor Morrissey PHIL 3105 April 8, 2016 The Tripartite Theory of the Soul Plato’s theory of tripartite soul focuses on the nature of human psyche. 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