Monday, May 25, 2020

Laurence Parker My Philosophy Analysis - 1332 Words

Hip-Hop: No More Stereotypes, No More Lies What would happen if a stranger was asked to name the most brilliant person they could think of? Maybe they would mention Aristotle, Stephen Hawking, or a brilliant Harvard professor. Although everyone has their own perspective, few people would name a hip hop artist as the prime example of a sophisticated thinker and educator. However, in the hip hop piece â€Å"My Philosophy†, author Laurence Parker (referred to as DJ KRS hereafter) presents himself in this way and shows himself as a bright, experienced and educated man with important messages to share about the hip-hop industry and black culture. DJ KRS shares different aspects of his own life and contrasts this with his views of other hip-hop†¦show more content†¦Here, second person narration allows DJ KRS to directly confront his audience with â€Å"y’all hear it/and hear it first-hand† (Parker). This narration reaches directly to the audience and makes his next statement more powerful when he says, â€Å"the intelligent brown man/a vegetarian† (Parker). DJ KRS goes against stereotypes of black people as being less intelligent and lovers of meat by directly addressing the audience with facts from his own life experiences. In the end, the use of first and second narration allow DJ KRS to become an educator of truth on black culture instead of furthering harmful and inaccurate stereotypes about black people through his music. If more hip-hop artists realized their influential power and used it to portray black culture positively and holistically like DJ KRS, harmful assumptions about black people could be overthrown and more people in the United States would understand and appreciate the many different aspects of black culture. Using tone, DJ KRS communicates that hip-hop artists often create music just to make money, but those who write and stay true to their experiences and real lives will earn respect in their communities and in the music industry. In one section, he writes, â€Å"The way some rap is kind of wack/and it lacks creativity and intelligence/ but they don’t care cause the company is sellin’ it† (Parker). Here, DJ KRS takes onShow MoreRelatedFactors Affecting Motivation to Learn English25117 Words   |  101 PagesStudy 3.6.1 Reliability 52 53 54 55 57 58 61 61 vi 3.6.2 Validity 3.7 Procedure 3.8 Data Analysis 63 64 64 4 RESULTS 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Demographic Analysis 4.2.1 Gender 4.2.2 Current English Level 4.2.3 Socio-economic Information 4.2.4 Parental Proficiency in English 4.3 Descriptive Analysis 4.3.1 Objective (i) 4.3 2 Objective (ii) 4.3.3 Objective (iii) 4.3.4 Objective (iv) 4.4 Inferential Analysis 4.4.1 Objective (v) 4.4.2 Objective (vi) 4.4.3 Objective (vii) 4.4.4 Objective (viii) 4.5Read MoreAdl 01 - Principles and Practices of Management Study Material.Pdf Uploaded Successfully30836 Words   |  124 PagesDepartmentation Span of control Authority and delegation of authority Chapter 4: Staffing i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. 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