Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Is Machiavelli justified in thinking that it can be right for a leader Essay

Is Machiavelli justified in thinking that it can be right for a leader to lie or break promises - Essay Example Men should not be heavily bound to keep promises, at times promises ought to be broken (Machiavelli 2004). Machiavelli describes the nature of man as being eager for personal gain, avoids danger and is dishonest at times. He also observes that all political leaders tell lies, break promises, extinguish family ruling and use religious beliefs as political tools. Lying has become part of politics and leadership systems in the society today. Lying goes hand in hand with breaking of promises (Kain 1995). A lie can be defined as untrue or false information meant to deceive another person to be as the ultimate truth. According to one of the scholars of deception, Lying is normal and it is not exceptional as human minds and bodies produce deceit. All people lie including lawyers, teachers, religious leaders and business people and it happens mostly in negotiations that are commercial oriented. Political leaders are no exceptional either; they are also involved in lying. Most leaders lie due to their desire to win over a certain agenda or issue related to political gains (Femia 2004). There are many instances that our leaders are involved in lying; current or future long term values about a good or a service, their goals, interests and priorities, when making a reservation point, if lying is the only alternative option left in a deal they are interested in, authority and ability to reduce terns of a certain contract or deal, promises, other offers; tenders, or bidders on a certain good or service, in case of a trial and finally their strength on the position they hold in leadership. Although at times some lies can usually be proved by evidences like documents signed, many forms of lies are not easily detected. Machiavelli argues that a clever leader should not keep his promises if they are not to his advantage. As far it is good to look trustworthy, religious,

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